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Chris Ward Anton Mosimann Ciaran Hickey Bruce Sherman

Meet The Chefs  
Barak Hirschowitz - Executive Chef at the Bay Hotel, South Africa

Andrea Sacchi - Western chef of the Four Seasons Hotel, Tokyo

Chicago Chefs - Carrie Nahabedian,Sarah Stegner and Mindy Segal - three of Chicago's most successful chefs answer three questions

Jean Paul Naquin - Chef of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Seoul, Korea

Rainer Zinngrebe -Formerly Executive chef of The Fullerton Hotel, Singapore

Toby Peters - Owner of The Food Rooms, England

Anton Mosimann - Chef & Restauranteur, London, Prague, Berlin

Robert Cowley - Chef - Kilkenny, Ireland

Nasda de Monteiro - Chef of The Elephant Walk, Boston

The French Pastry School, Chicago

Thomas Haas - Pastry Chef formerly of Daniel's NYC

Joachim Textor - Chef of The Mandarin Hotel, Singapore

Bob Calderone - Chef of Anago, Boston
Hywel Jones - Chef/director of Lola's Restaurant London

Marc Fosh - Chef/director Read's hotel and restaurant, Santa Maria, Mallorca

Chris Staines, - Chef de Cuisine of London's Michelin Star Restaurant, Foliage

Ciaran Hickey - Chef of The Four Seasons Hotel, Istanbul

Paul Kahan - Chef & co-owner of Blackbird Restaurant, Chicago

Jonie Boer - Chef/owner of the Restaurant De Librije, Holland

Chris Ward - Chef of The Mercury, Dallas

Bruce Sherman - Chef of The North Pond Cafe, Chicago

Dondi McNulty - Chef, New Orleans

Steve Silverstien - Owner of Not Your Average Joe's, Mass

Maryann Francis - Chef of Betty's Wok & Noodle Diner, Boston

Charlie Watkins - Chef of The Sierra Grill, Houston

Stu Stein & Mary Hinds - Chefs of The Peerless Restaurant, Oregon
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